Here, you’ll know the different types of candle scents that most decorative scented candles often have. Also, there are tips on which scent to pick because when it comes to purchasing, giving, or creating candles, fragrance has always been one of the key considerations. How many times have you lifted a candle to your nose to inhale its delightful aroma?

The truth is, scents hold significant importance in our lives. We are often drawn to specific types of fragrances. It all begins in our olfactory system, where our brain forges fascinating connections between scent, memory, and emotions. Did you know that we humans can distinguish among over a trillion different scents?

Given this remarkable ability, it’s no wonder that candle fragrance serves as one of the most defining characteristics of a candle. This explains why so many of us take pleasure in filling our homes with these aromatic delights. Scented candles have the power to evoke memories and enhance emotions, contributing just as much (if not more) to the ambiance of a space as music and color do.

How to find the best candle scent?

Finding the perfect scented candle is akin to selecting a signature fragrance, be it perfume, body spray, or cologne. It is a deeply personal decision influenced by individual experiences and even the places your nose has ventured. However, amidst this subjective realm, there are undoubtedly scents that captivate us more than others.

To help you discover your ideal candle scent, what follows is a comprehensive four-step process that includes a candle scents list and guiding questions. So, instead of embarking on a futile quest of sniffing unlit candles to the point of olfactory overload, let the below guide you towards your olfactory nirvana in a more efficient manner.

Step 1: Consider the Space

When it comes to selecting a candle scent, one must first consider the intended location. For instance, the size of the space plays a crucial role. In a small area like a powder room, it is important to avoid using an overpowering scent that may be too strong. However, in a large family room, the same scent can create a pleasant ambiance.

The choice of candle scents also depends on the specific room. For example, a soft floral fragrance like homemade lavender mason jar candles can be soothing and perfect for the bedroom. However, in the kitchen, it may clash with food aromas and produce an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is absolutely acceptable to have different scents in each room if desired!

Step 2: What is the Candle’s Purpose?

For Ambiance

Decorative scented candles have undoubtedly become a popular choice for instantly setting the mood. They have the ability to add a cozy and inviting atmosphere to any room, and it’s often the fragrance of the candle that truly enhances the ambiance.

When selecting a candle to decorate or create an ambiance, it’s important to consider your desired outcome. For instance, if you’re looking to energize your workspace, opting for a vibrant citrus scent would be ideal. On the other hand, if you’re seeking relaxation in the bath, an exotic fragrance like sandalwood can help alleviate stress and promote tranquility. Here are other types of decorative candles that you could consider.

For Odor Neutralization

When it comes to the purpose of a candle, one often thinks of masking odors. Scents like fresh citrus and woody fragrances are commonly used to cover up unwanted smells. However, there is one particular aroma that is extremely effective in eliminating any odor – coffee! The enticing scent of freshly roasted coffee beans has an irresistible allure for just about anyone. Its bold and distinctive fragrance works wonders in getting rid of various odors, whether it’s from pets, seafood, garlic, or even bathroom smells.

Step 3: Which of the Types of Scents for Candles?

In this section, we run through the types of scents for candles, and the reasons to consider when picking one among them.

Standard Fragrance Oils

When it comes to scented candles, one popular fragrance type is commonly used. It is often referred to with broad terms like perfume or fragrance, as candle makers keep the specific scent a trade secret. The standard fragrance oils used in these candles offer a strong and pleasant scent both when cold and when lit. The options for candle scents are practically limitless. However, it’s important to note that many of these fragrances are not cruelty-free and may contain harmful chemicals such as phthalates and parabens, which can have negative effects on health, as mentioned earlier. Some choose not to purchase or create candles using standard fragrance oils, but ultimately the decision is up to you.

Essential Oils

Essential oils have gained immense popularity, especially in the realm of candles. These oils are derived entirely from natural sources, such as plants, which adds to their appeal. People adore essential oils for their therapeutic properties and the indulgence they provide in aromatherapy. However, it’s worth noting that these oils offer a limited range of scents derived from specific plants and can be quite expensive. Despite this, some people find great pleasure in incorporating essential oils into their scented beeswax candle creations.

Natural Fragrance Oils

These oils are crafted using aromatic isolates derived from nature and essential oils. It’s quite fascinating, reminiscent of the traditional French perfume-making techniques that involve extracting scents from natural sources. Isn’t that amazing? Unlike regular fragrance oils, these ones are free from phthalates and parabens, ensuring a healthier choice. Moreover, many of them are produced without any harm to animals, just like the exceptional collection offered by some candle makers. Another advantage is their cost-effectiveness compared to pure essential oils. The only drawback is that they can be challenging to locate.

Step 4: Choose from the Candle Scent Categories

Fragrances can be classified into different candle scent categories based on their aroma. There are four main scent categories, namely: Fresh, Woody, Floral, and Exotic. Each category corresponds to a specific olfactory group and has its own unique characteristics. Let me provide you with more details about each category.

Interestingly enough, most individuals tend to have a preferred scent category that resonates with them more than others. This particular scent category often brings back memories or perfectly complements their personal style.

Identifying your preferred scent category can be a helpful way to determine the best candle scents for you. Once you know your category, you can search for candles that fall under that specific classification. While some companies label their candles by scent categories, others may not explicitly mention it in their product descriptions. However, by carefully reading the fragrance descriptions, you can easily identify which category they belong to.

And if you’re interested in making your own candles, knowing your preferred scent category will guide you in selecting the right oils for your creations. Below is a candle scents list organized by category.

Candles Scents List

Here, you’ll find a candles scents list that enumerates some of the options you can choose from. There are also notes on the scents’ compatibilities with each other, to help you mix and match them to your liking.


When it comes to candle scents in this particular category, you can expect a delightful array of fragrances that capture the essence of brightness and vitality, reminiscent of sunshine and summer. Picture invigorating notes of fresh citrus, herbal elements, and clean aromas that evoke a sense of coolness, lightness, and carefree enjoyment. Each scent is vibrant in its own unique way, crafting an atmosphere that uplifts the spirit and energizes the surroundings.

Signature Fresh Notes

Compatible Scents

  • Light Florals
  • Sweet, Sugary Scents
  • Tropical Notes
  • Spicy Warm Aromas


When it comes to the category mentioned above, you’ll discover a delightful blend of coniferous elements, bitterness, and moss reminiscent of woodlands and mountains. The earthy, smoky, and comforting aromas of cedar, sandalwood, and pine immediately come to mind. Each scent evokes a sense of being grounded, courageous, and cozy – just like receiving a warm bear hug!

Signature Woody Notes

Compatible Scents


The category discussed here comprises fragrances derived from flowers. It’s the most prevalent among all scent categories and has been employed for various purposes such as odor masking, cleaning, and personal fragrance since ancient times, including during the reign of the Egyptian and Roman Empires. Lavender and rose are particularly popular scents within this category. Each fragrance belonging to this group possesses a gentle, romantic quality that has a soothing effect on the mind.

Signature Floral Notes

Compatible Scents


In the realm of fragrances, the exotic scent category embodies a sense of warmth, coziness, and pure indulgence. These scents have an enticing quality that makes you almost want to taste them – think of delicious aromas like vanilla, cinnamon, and caramel. On the other hand, there are resin notes that provide a soothing and calming effect. When combined, each fragrance within this category becomes intoxicatingly opulent and lavish.

Signature Exotic Notes

Compatible Scents

Choosing from the types of candles scents

With the help of this scents list for decorative candles, you will discover the fragrance notes that fit you best. If that is not the case, just go over again the parts where you are having trouble with. Also, don’t forget to pace yourself when trying out candles, so as not to overwhelm your nose and have a bad impression of otherwise great scents.